Sunday, September 28, 2008

Arriving in Utah

We have a new routine in the RV this trip. Tule does the usual sleeping while we drive, but Elsie seems to need to help navigate. She has to watch where we are going and doesn't get much rest until we stop. She is still being good, but has to watch that road!

The biggest excitement of the morning was spotting this sign. Gary insisted on a photo.

The large white area in the background of the last photo is amazing--most of the way from the border until we were almost at Salt Lake City we saw this white substance . We decided it must be salt flats. Although after seeing the white rocks around a gas station we determined there are a lot of white things around here. The main difference between Nevada and Utah is a distinct straightening of the freeway and all the white flat areas. Eventually there are also white areas on mountains. Like I said, lots of white stuff.

When we finally got to Salt Lake City we spent quite a bit of time driving around being impressed with how clean the area is. We went on the tour of Temple Square--very impressive. This RV park is beautiful--much different from last night. Although we got some great sleep in the quiet of Wells, NV.

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