Monday, April 23, 2012

First Stop--Yreka!

We got a later start than usual because I had to count offering at church before we left. It was an easy morning, so we actually drove away from the RV storage area by noon. We have started loading the final load, including the dogs, away from our house to try to deter burglars. I still think they are the same ones (we are up to 7 burglaries on or near our street since ours in June) so we are safe because they know they already got everything at our house. But we are working at keeping our whereabouts less well-known, anyway.

Elsie really relaxed this time. She slept peacefully most of the way (unlike the last trip where she stayed awake and worried almost the whole time). She even was an excellent model to show off the progress on my silk scarf. I was able to knit on it quite a bit before the road got too bumpy. Can you see her little black nose peeking out?

Lake Shasta was as full as we've ever seen it. It was a beautiful sight--so much better than seeing it in drought years.

These purple flowers show up all along the freeway in the Lake Shasta area. The baby green leaves mixed in with the evergreens and a few of these purple bushed thrown in make the drive absolutely gorgeous.

Tomorrow we head into the storm in Oregon (I can hardly wait!) on our way to see Gary's brother, Alan and his wife. It will be a fun day.

1 comment:

Sandra Gardner Benward said...

Sounds like a smooth start driving north. I hope the weather you are going into is gone by the time you get there... today was just as nice as yesterday but cooled off alot more tonight...... we will miss you tomorrow at IAG......... be safe