Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Mountains Are Out at the Dog Beach!

What a view! We could see both the Olympic Mountains (in the photo) and the Cascades as we drove anywhere the past few days. I'm glad I got my rain in Seaside so I could see the beautiful views here. If you don't know the area, Edmonds is on Puget Sound.

We've been doing little repairs, etc. for Mom. She and I found an estate sale to browse, got a few little things. Mom loves to check out estate sales (not garage sales). And we did other shopping, like you'd expect. Yes, I found a yarn shop.

Edmonds has a Dog Beach instead of a dog park. Tule missed out on the salt water in Seaside because there was no fence. When we walked toward the water here, she took off and ran straight out into the water as far as she could run, then stood there smiling. Elsie took one look at the slightly bigger waves and balked--did NOT want to go past the foam, but really wanted to be in the water. You can see that eventually they both swam.

I missed my favorite photo op. Tule decided to swim out after a tennis ball, got out quite a way when a big wave came, lifted her up and carried her back to the beach. She just rode the wave like a surfer, smiling her happy smile the whole time. Then she turned around and went back into the water. That's our Tule! Everything is fun!

Of course, after all that we took them back to Mom's for a bath.

One of the neighbors got a new horse and the horse that Mom boards in her pasture spent the whole day complaining. I guess he doesn't like other horses around. He not only whinnied, but made several other unusual noises. Thank goodness he quieted down after dark!

Now we are on our way to Bend, OR to see my brother and his family. At this exact moment we are driving over the Floating Bridge to Mercer Island. Then we will head over Snoqualmie Pass and on to Ellensburg and Yakima. We will spend the night at Goldendale, WA so we can get to Bend early enough to have fun with the boys before we leave the next day. Mom is enjoying the view from the front passenger seat on her first RV trip. I'm enjoying the time to check the computer and knit at the table. We do enjoy this motor home, even after all the problems.

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