The trip to Deb's was foggy so didn't see a lot but farmland close to the roads. Stopped in a small town for lunch and the dogs spotted a cat. From then on they had to stare at each house we went by to see if they could see a cat. Goofy dogs.
Mom was delighted to see that the RV park in Kimball, Nebraska had a working windmill.
When we got to Deb's it was raining, but she was there to greet us, umbrella in hand! We had a great visit--non-stop talking.
Scott came over with his girlfriend--he looks great and is very happy.
Dinner was a Deb Feast--more food than a dozen more could eat, all looking prettier than a 5 star restaurant.
We got up to another feast for breakfast. Couldn't figure out why Gary wasn't coming in to eat. One look at his face as he came thru the door told the story. One of the levelers wouldn't go up. We were stuck. I called Good Sam repair service (AAA for RVs) and was on hold for 45 minutes. Meanwhile Darell and Gary analyzed the problem. This was a new one--the leveler had come totally loose! So Darrell had some good heavy wire and helped Gary wire it up and we will limp home on 3 levelers. I spend another 45 minutes on hold to cancel the service call and we are on our way to Grand Junction, CO. Never dull in RV land, that's for sure. The visit with Deb and Darrell and Scott and Jamie was one of the huge highlights of the trip.
1 comment:
Sorry about the levelers...but glad for the nice visit! I see more of the Scott from growing up in the dinner photo...would have no idea it was him in the other photo unless you told me! Glad they're all doing well!
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