Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Lots of Exercise

We began the morning by stuffing the turkey and getting it in the oven. Had to haul water to the horse that Mom boards because the water at the barn froze. Then Gary, Britta and I started shoveling snow. Mom's handyman had cleaned the snow off her roof by just dumping it where it landed. That meant we couldn't move any vehicle because there was a mini-mountain of snow behind them. When Mom told us they'd plowed her driveway, she meant they didn't leave snow in front of it and scooped out the very bottom. It is a long driveway, full of 8" deep snow.

Elsie loves running around in the snow, but Tule has decided it is too cold on her feet and will only go out if we go with her. The picture shows her on Mom's patio. The barn and the pasture are such a beautiful view from her patio and family room.

There will be twelve of us here for dinner tonight for our family Christmas Eve celebration. Tomorrow we still hope to see Gary's nieces. His brother and sister-in-law decided it was too scary to drive so we are really happy we saw them in Newport on our way up the coast. We hope you have a wonderful Christmas wherever you are.

Merry Christmas!

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