Gary learned more about RV purchasing from a former salesman who was in our park. He has learned more each time he washes the windshield. Windshield washing attracts conversation, I guess.
We plan to be home tonight. It will be great to take a shower in a nice big comfortable shower with water pressure. That is the biggest drawback for the RV--no matter what kind of showerhead you install, there is very little water pressure. The levelers are still working (I'm almost afraid to type that or say it out loud for fear of jinxing them). Our next two big trips are in the planning stages--meeting friends along the way, of course.
This trip has been interesting and fun. It is so nice to be able to take your house with you so almost anything you need is somewhere close. We are working on getting more organized--that will really make life easier.
An interesting bit of news reached Gary this past week. International Paper has bought the corrugated division of Weyerhaeuser. His decision to retire was sure at the right time. There is going to be a lot of chaos and he doesn't have to deal with any of it! Hooray!