Saturday, September 4, 2010

New Record

From the time we left home until we crossed into Oregon we saw 16 CHP vehicles--a new record since we only saw 15 last month. We noticed a lot less snow on Mt. Shasta.

Speaking of crossing into Oregon--what a difference! The roads smoothed right out as we entered Oregon on Hwy 97. Such a nice ride after all the bumps of CA roads.

We enjoyed a beautiful trip from Mt. Shasta City to Bend, then had a great time greeting my brother and his family. My sister-in-law hides from the camera even though she is absolutely stunning.

Monte and the boys accompanied me to Juniper Fiberworks--what a beautiful yarn shop! And the boys enjoyed using the shop equipment to turn my skein of yarn into a ball. I got enough to make the Multnomah shawl. Gary stayed in the car with the dogs. I guess he's seen enough yarn shops by now. ; )

Then it was off to the dog park to give the dogs their fun. They had a ball. There was a huge Great Dane puppy named Max who really wanted to play. Our dogs could walk under him without touching him a bit. Then his owner saw Gary petting Max and said, "Oh my goodness! He makes Max look like a chihuahua!" Gave us all a good laugh along with several other people standing around watching their dogs play.

After a wonderful dinner the boys helped us walk the dogs one more time and it is off to bed for all of us. We're ready for another fun day with them all tomorrow.

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