Thursday, April 18, 2013

Yarn on the Hoof!

As we drove away from Medford this morning, Gary couldn't resist this pose--no wind today.  It made for much easier driving and I certainly was a more relaxed passenger.  Weather was great, until . . . but I'll save that for later.

Gary says to tell you that all the lumber mills along I-5 are producing lumber again which tells him the building industry is coming back.  The logging trucks were busy hauling lumber-to-be.

This area is home to lots of sheep.  I couldn't help but think of the yummy yarn that will be coming our way from these gorgeous creatures.

So the weather was sunny all the way to Portland, then the clouds found us.  By the time we got to Astoria, drizzle was with us.  I love the drizzle, but it made the ramp slippery for poor Tule.  So I finally found a negative side of rain.  We went out to dinner with Gary's cousin, Mike and his wife Julie, then came back to really cold icy-feeling rain.  Of course I needed to take the dogs for their last potty walk of the night in this icy cold heavy drizzle.  That little tan box in the bottom right side of the photo is a heater.  Both dogs are trying to hog it. Elsie keeps trying to move Tule out of the way, but Gary won't let her, so she is stuck with the second tier seating in the bed.

It was a fun evening with cousins and so nice to be cool at bedtime.  Tomorrow we get to enjoy breakfast with one niece and her two children.

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