Thursday, October 30, 2014

A Day of Nice Surprises

We have such great friends.  So far multiple offers of RV driving help have come by email.  We may need to accept some help, but will be waiting until at least two weeks pass to make any decisions.  This afternoon Gary told me his pain level had decreased by half. He went on three walks all the way around his floor today.  He looks good.  It just is really painful when he needs to get out of the bed. And he won't be sleeping lying down for a few weeks.  He has a really nice roommate, so that makes it almost fun, if not for the pain.

His sense of humor is still intact.  It was his idea to take this photo of him in his mini-nightshirt and post it.

As I was shopping for Mom's party at the Dollar Store I was talking with my sister on the phone.  A young woman came up to me and wanted to talk with me.  As I hung up my call, she asked if I was the one who needed the paramedics yesterday.  At that point I realized I did recognize her face--no uniform today made it a little hard to place her.   I said, "You were the one on the roof with my husband yesterday!"  She nodded and smiled and I held up 5 fingers and said "5 broken ribs".  She cringed and said she'd been thinking about him and wondering how extensive his injuries were and was so pleased to see me so she could ask.  It made me feel so good to see what a caring person she was. Her mother was there, beaming and listening to every word.  She was amazed at how tough Gary was to have her probing his ribs without hollering and to be able to climb down the ladder on his own steam with 5 broken ribs.  She was pretty sure he had one, but was shocked at 5.

They kept him in the hospital one more night for observation.  They are concerned about that one nasty broken rib that is sticking out in several angles. The don't want it poking his lung or the sac surrounding the lungs. He might get to go home Friday if all goes well.

I left him to watch football with his roommate this evening so I could work on the favors for Mom's party.  They are mugs that say "A Hundred Years of Helen" filled with caramel corn made by her helper, Kim the Wonder Woman.  Mom calls Kim "her assistant and her accomplice".  We put the bags in the mugs, filled them with caramel corn, then tied bows on 132 of them.  We finished up at 11:30 p.m..

 I felt bad that Mom had to help with her own party favors, but she loves them and enjoyed seeing our progress and I needed the help.  We had a little scare when the lights went out as we began the bow tying.  Luckily, they came back on by the time I found the flashlights and candles.  Phew!

The dogs gave up waiting for me to go to bed in the motor home.  Elsie squeezed herself into Rosie's tiny bed because she "needs" a bed, can't sleep on the bare floor or rug.  Now I'll hit the sack and get some good sleep.  Hopefully, Gary will get to come home to Mom's Friday.

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