Friday, March 23, 2012

Bill Cosby!

We wandered thru a lot of RV's today, but didn't see any we like better than what we have--now that the levelers are working, that is.

I went to a class on how to use our microwave/convection oven. I think I understand it now.

No photos today. My laptop is acting up.

Tonight the entertainment was Bill Cosby. He did a wonderful segment on the Bible, specifically Genesis. I'd love to find where I can buy it. It was very well done and very well documented. His whole show was great--got a lot of good laughs.

This has been an interesting rally--more primitive and different than any other we've attended, but still fun. Great entertainment. We got the items we wanted and needed to purchase while we were here, so that is good.

We will be leaving early tomorrow--hoping to get home in time for Denny's memorial service.

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